Women’s Retreat with Pravrajika Vrajaprana
April 17th: 10am - 2pm
To sign up, please email us at vedantadcmedia@gmail.com with your name, and potluck contribution (optional).
Dear Sisters,
Rev. Pravrajika Vrajaprana, a senior nun from Santa Barbara Convent will be visiting us from April 15 to 17. Many of you may remember her from our center’s opening ceremony. She will be speaking on Tuesday night the 16th and has agreed to do an in-person women's retreat on Wednesday, April 17 at 10 AM. The topic of the retreat will be announced later.
Here are the Program Details:
Date : Wednesday, April 17
Time: 10 AM to 2 PM
Location: Holy Mother House
Topic: TBD
Session 1: 10.00 am to 11.00 am
Tea Break: 11.00 am to 11.15 am
Session 2: 11.15 am to 12.15 pm
Potluck Lunch: 12 am to 12:45 pm
Session 3: 12.45 pm to 2 pm
Potluck Details
Please help everyone plan the lunch by signing-up here by –
Emailing us at vedantadcmedia@gmail.com with dish name or editing the document.
Add your name and dish you plan to bring in Google document.
Click -> Link to Shared Document
Once the document opens, add your name in the table.
Close the window/ browser tab.
As of now, we are expecting about 20 people. This may change as we get closer to the retreat.
Please note that we have a short lunch break and would like to avoid disturbing the sessions by taking time to warm food. So, remember to warm up your food before bringing it to the retreat or bring something that does not need to be warmed up.
Also, please bring your food in a serving dish so that it does not need to be transferred into another container.
As always, please feel free to be creative and surprise us with your cooking 🙂
Thank you 🙏
Pravrajika Vrajaprana
Pravrajika Vrajaprana has been a nun at the Sarada Convent of the Vedanta Society of Southern California in Santa Barbara since 1977, taking her sannyasa vows in 1988. She is the author of Vedanta: A Simple Introduction (1999) co-author (with Swami Tyagananda) of Interpreting Ramakrishna: Kali’s Child Revisited (2010), and has authored other books, book chapters and articles on the Hindu traditions. Her writings have been translated into a number of European and Asian languages. A frequent lecturer, she has presented papers at the American Academy of Religion, the East/West Philosophers’ Conference, and Boston University’s Institute for Philosophy and Religion. For more information visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pravrajika_Vrajaprana